Policies & Procedures

Our nursery policies and procedures are located in the entrance halls and they are available for any parent/carer to read as they wish.

  • Safeguarding Children Policy
  • List of notifiable diseases
  • Employment Policy
  • Snack policy
  • Volunteers Policy
  • Behaviour Policy
  • Confidentiality Policy
  • Staff absences policy
  • Special Consideration for employees
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Access and Storage of Information
  • Sleep Policy
  • Uncollected Child Policy
  • Fire Action Plan
  • Lost Child Policy
  • Evacuation Procedure
  • Arrival and Departure Procedure
  • Nappy Changing Procedure
  • Outings Procedure
  • Food Hygiene Policy
  • Equal Opportunities Policy
  • Parents as Partners
  • Inclusion Policy
  • Admissions Policy
  • Medication Procedure
  • Transition Policy
  • Incident and Accidents Policy
  • Unwell child procedure


When dropping your child off or collecting them you will need to sign them in or out to ensure that all staff are aware that your child has entered or left the building this is in case of a fire drill we know which children are still on site. We have a drop off zone at the front of the building so we ask parents to park on there while dropping off and picking up their child/ren, please can we ask parents to park straight on the drop off zone to allow more cars to park. If the drop off zone is full we ask parents/carers to park considerately in spaces available.

Child Profiles

Once your child has settled into the nursery, they will be allocated a key person and a Developmental File which your child/ren’s key person will update regularly you will have access to this at any time, please see you child/ren’s key person for information. This file will go through the nursery with your children.


Children are allocated up to 20 days holiday per year depending on how many days that they attend nursery. For every day your child attends in the week they will receive 4 days holidays. Staff need to be notified of holidays 4 week before to ensure they are deducted from your next invoice. Holidays are charged at half price and can only be taken as a full day not half a day.

  • 1 day a week = 4 days holiday
  • 2 days a week = 8 days holiday
  • 3 days a week = 12 days holiday
  • 4 days a week = 16 days holiday
  • 5 days a week = 20 days holiday


T shirts and sweatshirts that have been embroidered with nursery logo are available for sale. Please see a member of staff if you are interested. The price will be added to your next invoice.

Snacks and packed lunches

For nursery snacks no less than 2 portions of fruit and vegetables are on offer per day. Children have the choice of milk or water to drink; these are offered mid morning and mid afternoon.

Packed lunches need to be healthy to follow our healthy eating ethos. Any dairy or meat products are named and stored in the fridge. Foods that you could include in your child’s lunch box are:

  • Sandwich’s (brown bread or roll)
  • Salads
  • Tortilla wraps
  • Yoghurts
  • Fruit and Vegetables sticks
  • Rice cakes
  • Sausages
  • Hot food (pasta, soup, meat and vegetables)

Parents as partners

All families and children are important to us and can be assured of a friendly welcome from all staff, this helps to create effective communication enabling knowledge and information to be shared between parent’s and practitioners. This has a positive impact on your child’s learning and development. Parents can visit the setting at any time and if you have a special skill or interest e.g. cookery, music, creative or gardening they are welcome to share these with the children likewise if any parents have interesting jobs e.g. a fireman, farmer, nurse etc this would be a wonderful learning experience for the children.


Students from local schools, colleges and training establishments often attend the nursery. They are supernumerary whilst in the nursery and are never left unsupervised with the children. All students that attend have to have CRB’s and a visit from their mentor to verify who they are and what they will be doing. Students are closely monitored by room supervisors and nursery management.

List of notifiable diseases

  • Impetigo
  • Chickenpox
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Thread worms
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Hand, Foot and Mouth disease
  • Head lice
  • Slapped cheek syndrome
  • Meningitis
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rubella


  8-9 am 9am-12pm 12-1pm 1-4pm 4-5pm 5-5:30pm Full Day
Under 2’s £5.25 £14.28 £5.25 £14.28 £5.25 £2.63 £46.94
2-3 yr olds £4.99 £13.23 £4.99 £13.23 £4.99 £2.50 £43.93
3-5yrs £4.76  an hour

(These sessions are inclusive of morning and afternoon snacks and also a late snack served at 4pm)
Please note these sessions above are our set sessions, early finishing times will not be deducted.

Term and Conditions

  • If you book your child in to First Steps Day nursery you will be asked to pay a registration fee of £15.00 which is non-refundable.
  • Payments are to be made in advance within the first week of each month.
  • Full fees will be charged for days when your child is off ill.
  • Your child will be entitled to between 4 and 20 days holiday charged at half price, dependant on how many days they attend each week you will be notified of this when your child starts nursery.
  • At least 4 weeks notice will need to be given for notice of holidays.
  • Please do not arrive too early or late to drop your child off or to collect them as we work to ratio’s and will not have staff to cover them being in early or late. If you are more than 10 minutes late you will be charged an extra session.
  • We always try to ensure that your child’s belongings and clothes are looked after. However, accidents do occur. First Steps Day Nursery will not be held responsible for any damaged or lost personal belongings.
  • At least 4 weeks notice must be given for the cancellation of a child’s place.


Our Mission Statement for children with additional needs.
At First Steps Day Nursery we feel confident in including ALL children in the daily routine and learning experiences regardless of their physical, emotional, behavioural and communication abilities. We have years of experience with children who have severe learning difficulties. We work very closely with parents/carers and other professionals to provide the children with the appropriate care. We have had experience working with children who are on the Autistic Spectrum and children who have Down’s syndrome. We have supported these children and their families to provide care that is tailored to each child’s individual needs. We have a setting SENCO that has relevant ongoing training to ensure we are fully up to date on legislation and information regarding Inclusion.

Our policy is written in accordance with the SEN Code of Practice 2001 and the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 and aims to ensure that a child with special needs is identified and his/her needs are met appropriately.

First Steps Day Nursery – Local Offer

Click here to find out what First Steps Day Nursery can offer for children with SEN/Disabilities